
Alstrup Rev just north of Guldborg, is easy to get to by car. This means that there may already be others in the spot when you arrive.

If you choose to go north, you need to go out into the water a little to get out of some proper water, whereas if the trip goes south, you can fish right from the shore. This is one of the good autumn spots. The wind must not be too harsh if it comes from any western directions. The current can run quite powerfully and in particular incoming current is good.

Bottom conditions

Even though walking around on rocks along the coast may feel annoying, it’s often a good indicator of the presence of optimal bottom conditions for the sea trout and its food options. Everything from pebble to huge chunks of granite provides cover for sand hoppers, shrimp, and small fish. If there are waves, these food options are easily whirled up into the water column. A rocky bottom can be good all year round, but especially so during the cold months with few food options in the deeper water. A rocky bottom at a good depth also attracts other predatory fish such as cod and garfish.

Bladder wrack

Along with the eelgrass, bladder wrack is the most prevalent aquatic plant along the Danish shores. This seaweed attaches itself to smooth surfaces such as rocks, gravel, and other variations on the bottom. The bladder wrack is a good hiding place for food options and fish. Bottom conditions with bladder wrack are good indicators of fish being nearby.

Leopard bottom

A stretch of coast with sand bottom and scattered rocks covered in bladder wrack is often called leopard bottom, because it resembles the pattern found in the leopard’s fur. These bottom conditions are always important to fish, since the sea trout often hunts above the sand between seaweed bushes and rocks. The contrast between the sand and the food options along the bladder wrack provides the sea trout with an advantage during the hunt.


In many fishing spots, large areas of the bottom are covered in sand, and often the coastal angler will skip these areas since they don’t seem like much. However, it’s worth considering that many small fish like sand eel and sprat often migrate across the sand bottom, and they have sea trout and other predatory fish chasing them. On days with waves, unclear water, or dimmed lighting, you’ll likely find predatory fish in these areas. The sandy areas along the deeper water or close to dark areas can be true sea trout magnets.


This aquatic plant functions as a brilliant hiding place for the small food options, and simultaneously they oxidize the water around them, which provides small fish, shrimp, and sand hoppers with good living conditions. The eelgrass is also used as a resting place for the sea trout when it migrates along the coasts and particularly in late fall when the trout are headed for the river.


When the coastline makes a dramatic turn and/or forms a kind of reef or isthmus, we call it a point. Similarly to a reef, points will often experience a more significant current, since the waters are here being pressed by. This yields great water circulation and is thus a good indicator of a sea trout spot. The water surrounding a point can be very deep, which means fishing for more species becomes an option, particularly during the warm months when the water temperature is high.

Fishing license

You must have a valid national fishing license to fish here. Buy your fishing license via the link below.



Season is only indicative and you must always read up on conservation times for the individual species and fishing spots.


Sea trout
