
Brakøre offers beautiful bottom conditions and an exciting varied stretch, with mussel banks and reefs. A good winter and spring spot where many have had good experiences with great seatrout.

Bottom conditions

This aquatic plant functions as a brilliant hiding place for the small food options, and simultaneously they oxidize the water around them, which provides small fish, shrimp, and sand hoppers with good living conditions. The eelgrass is also used as a resting place for the sea trout when it migrates along the coasts and particularly in late fall when the trout are headed for the river.

Mussel banks

When mussels fix themselves to the seabed, it often occurs in places with current and good water flow, so nutrients and food options will come to them. Mussels are good indicators of life, and it’s often near them you’ll find hunting sea trout. Besides creating banks and reefs that provide other fish with conditions of life, the mussels also clean the water, and that has a huge impact on coastal water quality and fauna.

Current water

A fishing spot with current and good water flow is always a magnet during the warm months, when spots of this type will be rich in oxygen. Current water contains many food options that ride the current and thus attract the predatory fish. Current water can be good year round and particularly in combination with reefs, points, and banks.

Bladder wrack

Along with the eelgrass, bladder wrack is the most prevalent aquatic plant along the Danish shores. This seaweed attaches itself to smooth surfaces such as rocks, gravel, and other variations on the bottom. The bladder wrack is a good hiding place for food options and fish. Bottom conditions with bladder wrack are good indicators of fish being nearby.


Formations of rocks, gravel, or sand created by current, wind, and weather form a compressed and lifted seabed, which provides fish with optimal conditions. There is often a huge water flow on these reefs. The depth is often greater on the sides of a reef, which means that the current will often be stronger there. Shoals of smaller fish roam in proximity to reefs in order to hunt, since the small food options are whirled around in the current. In their wake, the sea trout and other predatory fish follow. Reefs are useful spots year round, and they are optimal stops for sea trout when they migrate. Spending more time than usual on such a spot can easily be worth it.

Fishing license

You must have a valid national fishing license to fish here. Buy your fishing license via the link below.



Season is only indicative and you must always read up on conservation times for the individual species and fishing spots.


Sea trout
