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A lovely place that contains must-experience nature. A superbly good stretch with leopard bottom, as well as lovely rip channels with chance for a good seatrout. The steep slopes at Kasmose and Røjle Klint consist of clay which, after a rainy season, causes large batches of the clay to slip into the sea. In Røjle Klint itself, there are three ice ages represented, while Kasmose Forest is untouched and grows wild, giving a good basis for both insects and birds, visiting the place and experiencing nature when it is allowed to look after itself.

Bottom conditions
Rip channels

A rip channel is a deeper area between coast and bar, or an underwater groove of a significant depth. A rip channel usually has a dark bottom shaped by rocks and bladder wrack, but it can also consist of pure sand or gravel. You can’t avoid finding these rip channels on the coast, since they are some of the most common bottom conditions in Danish waters. The size of a rip channel varies greatly. Even the smallest rip channels, only a few meters wide, can contain many fish. The sea trout swims around these rip channels to hunt for food. In line with the tide, the fish cross the bars to reach the rip channel that’s closest to land, since that often contains the most food options.


The coastal sandbar is characterized by shifting water depths, where the bars are often made of sand that gathers between the deeper parts. These types of coasts can be exciting to explore, especially when great variations in the tide occur. The deep parts between the bars are called rip channels, and depending on the water level, the predatory fish will migrate over the bars and both in and along the rip channels. In spring, when the water temperature is rising, you can experience some fascinating sea trout fishing between these bars.


This aquatic plant functions as a brilliant hiding place for the small food options, and simultaneously they oxidize the water around them, which provides small fish, shrimp, and sand hoppers with good living conditions. The eelgrass is also used as a resting place for the sea trout when it migrates along the coasts and particularly in late fall when the trout are headed for the river.

Current water

A fishing spot with current and good water flow is always a magnet during the warm months, when spots of this type will be rich in oxygen. Current water contains many food options that ride the current and thus attract the predatory fish. Current water can be good year round and particularly in combination with reefs, points, and banks.


When the coastline makes a dramatic turn and/or forms a kind of reef or isthmus, we call it a point. Similarly to a reef, points will often experience a more significant current, since the waters are here being pressed by. This yields great water circulation and is thus a good indicator of a sea trout spot. The water surrounding a point can be very deep, which means fishing for more species becomes an option, particularly during the warm months when the water temperature is high.

Fishing license

You must have a valid national fishing license to fish here. Buy your fishing license via the link below.



Season is only indicative and you must always read up on conservation times for the individual species and fishing spots.


Sea trout
