Villestrup Å runs out into Mariager Fjord on its northern side. The outlet is at Oue Mølle, which lies between Stinesminde and Vive. In Villestrup Å there is a large run of seatrout, and at the same time a fine population of brook trout. Villestrup Å is one of the few limestone streams in Denmark, which is why the water temperature remains at a fairly constant level throughout the year in favor of water insects, aquatic plants and fish.
Since all aquaculture along the river is now closed down, Villestrup Å today has a very high water quality.
You must have a valid national fishing license to fish here - you may also need a fishing permit from an association or a private owner. Buy your national fishing license via the link below.
Season is only indicative and you must always read up on conservation times for the individual species and fishing spots.