Julsø is one of the largest and deepest lakes in Søhøjlandet between Silkeborg and Ry. Julsø is part of the Gudenå system and is connected to Brassø in the north and Birksø in the south. The lake is at the foot of Himmelbjerget, and is definitely worth a visit if you are into predatory fish and good views.
Area: 565 ha
Medium Depth: 7.8 m
Max. Depth: 17.5 m
Like many other large lakes in the Gudenå system, Julsø has experienced an arrival of the zebra striped hiking mussel. For the past many years, an increase in visibility in the lake has been seen, which is why species such as zander that before thrived in the unclear water, now have difficulty, and have been in decline. However, fishing for pike and perch have experienced an increase. In Julsø, pike are caught every year over large pike over 12 kg, and have generally been known for a sublime pike fishing. In addition to pike, perch and zander there are also lake trout, eel and various coarse fish.
Silkeborg Fisheries Association has the fishing right to most of Julsø. With them you may want to buy a day card or sign up for association.
Want to sail on Julsø? Then you need a Gudenå boat number. You can apply for a guest number here:
You must have a valid national fishing license to fish here - you may also need a fishing permit from an association or a private owner. Buy your national fishing license via the link below.
Season is only indicative and you must always read up on conservation times for the individual species and fishing spots.