Bryrup Langsø is located in the southeastern corner of Silkeborg Municipality, and with Bryrup town located right down to the bank on the northern shore. Bryrup Langsø is a relatively elongated and partly shallow lake.
In the lake there are perch, pike, ide, eel, lake trout, turbot and various coarsefish.
Area: 38 ha.
Medium Depth: 4.6 m
Max. Depth: 9 m
Join the Them-Bryrup Fisheries Association and gain access to a number of fishing spots, as well as the association's dinghy. Fishing license can be purchased on their web page.
You must have a valid national fishing license to fish here - you may also need a fishing permit from an association or a private owner. Buy your national fishing license via the link below.
Season is only indicative and you must always read up on conservation times for the individual species and fishing spots.