Nørresø, which together with Søndersø is also called the Viborg lakes. Nørresø is the northernmost of the two lakes, but also, with its 12.5 meters, the deepest of the two. The route around the two lakes is 12 km.
There is ample opportunity for fishing and fishing is free from the boat, as well as from the parts of the lake shore that are publicly available. The lakes are known for its good fishing for carp, and especially common carp there are a lot of fish between 8-12 kg. Zander fishing has also proved well over time, but pike and perch are also favorite fish. In addition to these, lake trout, eel and various coarse fish are found in large quantities.
Area: 123 ha.
Medium Depth: 7 m
Max. Depth: 12.5 m
The Viborg Fisheries Association has fishing rights to most of Nørresø. With them you may want to buy a daily license or join the association.
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