Vejle Å originates in Engelsholm Lake and runs out into Vejle Fjord close to downtown Vejle.
Vejle Sportfiskerforening has most of the fishing rights in the river. The river is divided into zones, starting inside the city around the high school with zone 1, where the stretch is called the lossepladsen.
From Vejle and upstream, the river offers a fantastic nature and with many opportunities of exciting experiences for anglers.
Over the years, the river has been turned back to its old run in several places, and moving around the river is a beautiful, and great experience.
The river is very popular for night fly fishing, after the river's beautiful trout.
Large seatrout run the river and the first ones come around mid May. If you want to be absolutely sure there is fish in the river, June is the safe month. The river also offers a good brook trout fishing, especially in late May where there are many mayflies on the water.
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